
Skillinvest Limited ABN 18 092 943 318, referred to as Skillinvest on this website, respects the privacy of anyone who interacts with this website and are committed to protecting and managing personal information fairly and lawfully.

You may also have interactions with Skillinvest in regard to recruitment, employment or training, where Skillinvest are also committed to protecting and managing your privacy and personal information.


Collection statement

To assist you with Skillinvest products and services, Skillinvest may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit, register on the site, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources Skillinvest make available on this Site.

Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address or a contact phone number. Users may, however, visit the Site anonymously. Skillinvest will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information. Users can always refuse to supply personal identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities or Skillinvest services.

Some of the below information is extracted from the Skillinvest Privacy Policy. View the full Privacy Policy


Personal information collected during recruitment, employment and training.

As a job seeker, student, apprentice or trainee you will be required to provide us with certain information.

Personal information is information or an opinion about an identified, or reasonably identifiable, individual. During the provision of Skillinvestā€™s services, Skillinvest may collect your personal information. Generally, the kind of personal information Skillinvest collect may include:

  • general contact and identification details (e.g. name, address, email address and phone number);
  • information about your education and work history, qualifications and skills;
  • opinions of others about your work performance (whether true or not), which will only be collected with your consent;
  • information about your work rights and your eligibility to work within Australia which may include details, copies or presentation of the originals of any applicable visa, passport, birth or citizenship certificate, or other relevant documentation;
  • sensitive information (e.g. information about your health, medical history or specific condition, criminal record, professional memberships etc), which will only be collected with your consent;
  • any results of relevant tests in which you participate including but not limited to testing carried out on Skillinvestā€™s behalf or by other providers;
  • any personal information relevant to any training programs you undertake;
  • your tax file number and relevant bank and superannuation account information necessary to facilitate the payment of wages and superannuation contributions and to ensure appropriate taxation treatment
  • driverā€™s licence number and relevant information about your driving history or infringements and any other applicable licences and certificates; and
  • other information relevant in the circumstances.

In some circumstances Skillinvest may also hold other personal information provided by you.

You are under no obligation to provide your personal information to Skillinvest. However, without certain information from you, or where information provided is inaccurate or irrelevant, Skillinvest may not be able to provide its services to you or may be limited in its ability to provide its services to you.


Information collected via the Skillinvest website:

Personal information

Personal Information may be collected by Skillinvest and by third party service providers who assist Skillinvest in operating the website at

Skillinvest may collect and use the following kinds of personal information:

  • information about your use of this website;
  • information that you provide for the purpose of registering with the website (including your name and contact details);
  • information that you provide for the purpose of subscribing to the website services and
  • any other information that you send to Skillinvest.

We may use your personal information to:

  • administer this website;
  • enable your access to and use of the website services;
  • send you information upon request or marketing communications
  • enable Skillinvest to operate business efficiently and to improve marketing of Skillinvest services for the benefit of existing and potential customers


Non-personal information

Skillinvest may collect non-personal identification information about website Users whenever they interact with the Skillinvest Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to the Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilised and other similar information. This information may also include the date, time and duration of your visit, the pages accessed and any information that was downloaded.



What are cookies? Cookies are simple text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device by a websiteā€™s server. Each cookie is unique to your web browser. It will contain some anonymous information such as a unique identifier, websiteā€™s domain name, and some digits and numbers.

Skillinvest may implement targeted marketing based on your activity on the Skillinvest website. When you visit the site a ā€˜cookieā€™ is placed in your browser, this tells Facebook, Twitter, Google and other affiliated networks that you have visited this website and allows them to show you ads related to Skillinvestā€™s business.

Usage information Skillinvest may gather includes pages you view on the Skillinvest website, how long you spend on the website, what date and time you visited this website and any transactions that may have been carried out. Please note this information does not allow Skillinvest or any third party to identify you in any way or give access to your device. Any data collected will be used in accordance with the Skillinvest privacy policy and also those of Google, Facebook and Twitter. You can opt out of remarketing below:





Other websites

This website contains links to other websites and social media applications.Ā  Linked websites are responsible for their own privacy practices, and you should check those websites for their privacy statements.Ā  Skillinvest are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.


Direct marketing

Skillinvest may use and disclose your personal information in order to inform you of products and services that may be of interest to you. If you do not wish to receive such communications, you can opt out by contacting Skillinvest via the contact details below or through any opt-out mechanism contained in a marketing communication to you.


Security of your personal information

Skillinvest takes all reasonable steps to ensure personal information it holds is protected against misuse, interference and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Skillinvest holds personal information in both hard copy and electronic forms in secure databases on secure premises, accessible only by authorised staff.

Skillinvest will destroy or de-identify personal information in circumstances where it is no longer required, unless Skillinvest is otherwise required or authorised by law to retain the information.


Changes to this privacy information

Skillinvest has the discretion to update its Privacy Policy at any time. When this happens the last updated date at the bottom of this page will be revised. Skillinvest encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about the information collected and how you are protected. By using this Site you acknowledge and agree that this privacy information is reasonable and Ā it is your responsibility to review this privacy information periodically and become aware of modifications. If you do not agree that this is reasonable, you must not use this website.


Complaints process

Please direct all privacy complaints to Skillinvestā€™s Privacy Officer via the contact details below.

At all times, privacy complaints:

  • will be treated seriously;
  • will be dealt with promptly;
  • will be dealt with in a confidential manner; and
  • will not affect your existing obligations or affect the arrangements between you and Skillinvest.

Skillinvestā€™s Privacy Officer will commence an investigation into your complaint. You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint following completion of the investigation. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer the complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.


How to contact us

If you have any questions in relation to privacy or feel the information we hold is incorrect and wish to amend this, please contact Skillinvest in one of the following ways:

  • By Mail: Privacy Officer, Skillinvest, PO Box 930 HORSHAM VIC 3402;
  • By Email:,
  • By phone: 1300 135 008
  • Through this website here


Related documents:

Skillinvest Privacy Policy

Skillinvest Long Form Collection Notice


Last updated 07/12/2023