A registered values-led charity, Skillinvest is dedicated to helping individuals and communities reach their full potential. In partnership with government and private organisations we offer award-winning employment and training programs for disadvantaged and marginalised groups, and regularly sponsor local and regional community, cultural and sporting events.

Jobs Victoria Mentor Program

JV Mentor Taylor Sturzaker

Jobs Victoria supports Victorian jobseekers and employers in their local communities through face-to-face, online and phone-based services.

Our Jobs Victoria Mentors at Skillinvest help people to become work-ready, find a job that suits them and support them in their role for the first six months. We help people understand their career options and give them the tools and confidence they need to pursue them.


Community VCAL Program

Community VCAL

Indigenous Jobs & Employment Programs

Community Indigenous

Skillinvest has a long history in providing Indigenous jobseekers with employment opportunities. We currently employ more than 40 Indigenous workers in various industries as Apprentices, Trainees and Labour Hire personnel.

Learn More

Sponsorship Program

Skillinvest contributes significantly to the communities in which we operate and have assisted thousands of young people to source and retain meaningful employment. We are proud of the affiliations and partnerships that we have forged during our 35+ year history, especially those with regionally owned and operated businesses.

Some of the local and regional sponsorships we provide include:

  • Stawell Gift – Under 18’s Girls 100m
  • Wimmera Football and Netball League
  • Horsham District Football and Netball League
  • Wimmera Business Awards
  • Blue Ribbon Foundation
  • Western Victorian Careers Expo
  • Wimmera Regional Sports Assembly (Sports Star of the Year Award)
  • Horsham Golf Club
  • Vermont Football Club