Taylor Ovens Murray

Skillinvest joins growing team helping Victorians find work

Published 9 November 2021

Pictured above is Taylor Sturzaker, one of Skillinvest’s many Jobs Victoria Mentors. Taylor is a member of our team that services the Ovens Murray region.

Residents looking for employment in Southern and Eastern Metro, Gippsland, the Wimmera Southern Mallee and the Ovens Murray Region of Victoria can now access free advice and support from an expert team of employment mentors at Skillinvest.

Skillinvest is one of more than 75 Jobs Victoria Partners in communities across the state, providing free support to people looking for work.

They’re part of the Victorian Government’s $619 million Jobs Victoria initiative, which supports people looking for work and connects employers with the staff they need.

Skillinvest Employment Programs Manager Anita Peters said their organisation is proud to be part of a 600-strong state-wide force of Jobs Victoria Advocates, Mentors and Career Counsellors working to ensure that no Victorian was left behind in the search for a job.

“Our Jobs Victoria Mentors at Skillinvest help people to become work-ready, find a job that suits them and support them in their role for the first six months. We help people understand their career options and give them the tools and confidence they need to pursue them.

“Our Mentors will assist people who have been unemployed for six months or more, or are without a job and at risk of long-term unemployment.”

“We also work with employers to understand their staffing needs and connect them with suitable local candidates.”

Ms Peters said that specialist indigenous services were also provided in Gippsland and Skillinvest have collaborated with Indigenous Employment Partners in Southern Eastern Metro region, supporting indigenous job seekers in these local communities.

The services are accessible online and over the phone while restrictions are in place.

To learn more contact Skillinvest on 1300 135 008 or click here.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Minister for Employment Jaala Pulford:
“By helping people find a job that suits them, we’re providing thousands of Victorians with financial independence and security.”

“These Jobs Victoria employment services are creating big changes in the lives of job seekers, giving them access to hundreds of people who will help them find work.”

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