Qualification Code: RGR40118
Qualification: Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer)
Course Category:
RGR40118 Certificate IV in Racing (Racehorse Trainer) – Apprenticeship
This qualification reflects the role of individuals licensed to operate a business that trains horses under racing industry regulated licensing criteria for the purpose of competing in industry-regulated events in the harness or thoroughbred racing codes. It covers the care, maintenance and performance of racehorses and the tasks and duties associated with running a racing establishment, including managing staff, finances and equipment. Trainers are responsible for planning and organising their own work, leading others and carrying out often complex and non-routine tasks. This qualification is required for industry licensing and registration in some states and territories. Refer to the relevant state or territory Principal Racing Authority for current requirements.
To receive this qualification you must complete 7 core units, plus 9 elective units.
Elective units have been chosen by Skillinvest based on feedback from industry.
BSBSMB407 Manage a small team
BSBWHS301 Maintain workplace safety
RGRCMN203 Comply with racing industry ethics and integrity
RGRCMN305 Participate in racing protests and inquires
RGRPSH302 Supervise handling of horses
RGRPSH408 Manage horse health and welfare
RGRPSH421 Operate horse racing training business
RGRPSH301 Implement stable operations
RGRPSH401 Provide care and treatment for horses
RGRPSH407 Educate thoroughbred horses for racing
RGRPSH409 Participate in implementing racehorse exercise programs
RGRPSH422 Promote and maintain business arrangements with racehorse owners
RGRPSH503 Trial and race horses
RGRPSH504 Develop systems and records for horse racing business training operations
RGRPSH502 Plan and implement education of horses for racing
Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs
Please contact RTO Administration on 1300 135 008 to discuss any enrolment requirements.
South Australia: This training is supported by the Government of South Australia. Participant Eligibility Criteria Applies, visit www.skills.sa.gov.au for Participant Eligibility Criteria.
Tasmania: This training is subsidised under by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.
Victoria: This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding, eligibility criteria applies. People with a disability are encouraged to apply.