Qualification Code: RGR30218
Qualification: Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand)
Course Category: Equine/Racing
RGR30218 Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand)
Option 1: RGR30218 – Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand) – Mandatory Training
This partial qualification provides the introduction to the racing industry and allows for students to complete the Racing Victoria Licencing Requirements.
On completion of the Mandatory Training units, students can apply to complete the RGR30218 Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand) – Traineeship as outlined in Option 2 below.
Option 2: RGR30218 – Certificate III in Racing (Stablehand) – Traineeship
This partial qualification provides the introduction to the racing industry and allows for specialisation in sectors or roles, including stablehand (harness or thoroughbred), stud hand (breeding), track maintenance and racing administration. Occupational licensing or registration requirements apply to this qualification in some states and territories. Users are advised to check with the relevant Principal Racing Authority in each state for current requirements.
To meet the packaging rules and attain the qualification, a total of 18 units must be completed, when selecting units:
12 core units
6 elective units
ACMEQU208 Manage personal health and fitness for working with horses
BSBWHS201 Contribute to health and safety of self and others
RGRCMN203 Comply with racing industry ethics and integrity
RGRPSH201 Handle racehorses in stables and at trackwork
RGRPSH202 Assist with transportation of horses
RGRPSH207 Perform racing stable duties
RGRPSH211 Work effectively in the horse racing industry
RGRPSH301 Implement stable operations
RGRPSH303 Organise and oversee transportation of horses
RGRPSH304 Identify factors that affect racehorse fitness and suitability to race
RGRPSH308 Provide first aid and emergency care for horses or other equines
RGRPSH309 Implement feeding programs for racehorses under direction
ACMEQU205 Apply knowledge of horse behaviour
RGRPSH209 Attend horses at race meeting and trials
RGRPSH302 Supervise handling of horses
RGRPSH312 Transport horses by road
RGRPSH401 Provide care and treatment of horses
RGRPSH420 Participate in implementing racehorse exercise programs
Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs.
Please contact RTO Administration on 1300 135 008 to discuss any enrolment requirements.
South Australia: This training is supported by the Government of South Australia. Participant Eligibility Criteria Applies, visit www.skills.sa.gov.au for Participant Eligibility Criteria.
Tasmania: This training is subsidised under by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.
Victoria: This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding, eligibility criteria applies. People with a disability are encouraged to apply.