Qualification Code: CPC30220

Qualification: Certificate III in Carpentry

Course Category: Building & Construction

CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry – Apprenticeship


This Construction, Plumbing and Services Training package qualification provides a trade outcome in carpentry, covering work in residential and commercial applications.  To receive this qualification you must complete 27 core units, plus 7 elective units.
Elective units have been chosen by Skillinvest based on feedback from industry.


AURAEA002     Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace

CPCCCA2002   Use Carpentry Tools and Equipment

CPCCCA2011   Handle Carpentry Materials

CPCCCA3001   Carry Out General Demolition of Minor Building Structures

CPCCCA3002   Carry Out Setting Out

CPCCCA3003   Install Flooring Systems

CPCCCA3004   Construct and Erect Wall Frames

CPCCCA3005   Construct Ceiling Frames

CPCCCA3006   Erect Roof Trusses

CPCCCA3007   Construct Pitched Roofs

CPCCCA3008   Construct Eaves

CPCCCA3016   Construct, Assemble and Install Timber External Stairs

CPCCCA3010   Install Windows and Doors

CPCCCA3017   Install Exterior Cladding

CPCCCA3024   Install Lining, Panelling and Moulding

CPCCCA3025   Read and Interpret Plans, Specifications and Drawings for Carpentry Work

CPCCCA3028   Erect and Dismantle Formwork for Footings and Slabs on Ground

CPCCCM2006  Apply Basic Levelling Operations

CPCCCM2008  Erect and Dismantle Restricted Height Scaffolding

CPCCCM2012  Work Safely at Heights

CPCCCO2013  Carry Out Concreting to Simple Forms                              

CPCCOM1012  Work Effectively and Sustainably in the Construction Industry                               

CPCCOM1014  Conduct Workplace Communication                   

CPCCOM1015  Carry Out Measurements and Calculations                     

CPCCOM3001  Perform Construction Calculations to Determine Carpentry Material Requirements                  

CPCCOM3006  Carry Out Levelling Operations                               

CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS Requirements, Policies and Procedures in the Construction Industry                             

CPCWHS3001  Identify Construction Work Hazards and Select Risk Control Strategies


CPCCCA3009   Construct Advanced Roofs

CPCCCA3012   Frame and Fit Wet Area Fixtures

CPCCCA3027   ​Set Up, Operate and Maintain Indirect Action Powder-Actuated Power Tools

CPCCCM2002  Carry Out Hand Excavation

CPCCCM3001  Operate Elevated Work Platforms up to 11 Meters

CPCCCM1013  Plan and Organise Work

CPCCSF2004    Place and Fix Reinforcement Materials

** Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs.


Please contact RTO Administration on 1300 135 008 to discuss any enrolment requirements. 

This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding, eligibility criteria applies. People with a disability are encouraged to apply.