Qualification Code: RGR40221
Qualification: Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)
RGR40221 Certificate IV in Racing (Jockey)
This qualification describes the skills and knowledge required for individuals licensed to operate as a jockey and compete in industry regulated events in the thoroughbred racing code. Jockeys are athletes who ride racehorses at race meetings, barrier trials and trackwork. A jockey possesses the highest level of racing riding skills, requiring a high degree of decision-making skills and decision time during races, and the ability to exercise judgement when choosing mounts and assessing horse form. This qualification is required for industry licensing and registration in some states ad territories. Refer to the relevant state or territory Principal Racing Authority for current requirements including selection into an apprentice jockey program.
RGRCMN305 Participate in racing protests and inquires
RGRCMN402 Participate in media interviews for racing
RGRPSH201 Handle racehorses in stable and at trackwork
RGRPSH205 Perform basic riding skills in the racing industry
RGRPSH306 Develop basic trackwork riding skills
RGRPSH307 Exercise horses in pacework
RGRPSH310 Prepare for self-management in racing
RGRPSH404 Ride horses at trackwork
RGRPSH405 Ride horses in jump outs
RGRPSH413 Prepare for race riding
RGRPSH414 Ride horses in trials
RGRPSH415 Ride horses in races
RGRPSH418 Set goals to improve racing performance
RGRPSH419 Manage principles of sports science for jockeys
RGRTRK402 Relate animal welfare to track and environmental conditions
RGRPSH407 Educate horses for racing
RGRPSH304 Identify factors that affect racehorse fitness and suitability to race
Elective unit selection should be discussed with your training provider to successfully customise a package to meet industry needs
Please contact RTO Administration on 1300 135 008 to discuss any enrolment requirements.
South Australia: This training is supported by the Government of South Australia. Participant Eligibility Criteria Applies, visit www.skills.sa.gov.au for Participant Eligibility Criteria.
Tasmania: This training is subsidised under by the Department of State Growth, Tasmania.
Victoria: This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government Funding, eligibility criteria applies. People with a disability are encouraged to apply.